Long – Term Fellowship Overview

Sankar Foundation Eye Hospital & Institute was established by philanthropist Sri A Sankar Rao, in 1997.  Over a period hospital services grew in scope and reach towards Education & Research, with recognition for Fellowships in sub-specialties of Ophthalmology. Over 200 Fellows have by now benefited from the program ever since the inception of the 1st Anterior Segment Fellowship in 2010.

Overview of Fellowship Programs

Each Clinical Specialty Fellowship program benefits from a high volume of OPD and surgical workflow, experienced faculty with expertise in training & mentorship.

The fellowship program emphasizes education through hands-on experience in a systematic manner. The fellows are trained in designated specialties, to develop skills in clinical assessment and judgment, so as to deliver excellent patient care services.

They are supervised and guided until they are capable of independently treating patients with confidence, and are trained in proper evaluation of patients by relevant history taking complete examination and diagnosis.

The fellows are to participate in departmental projects of research and  prepare for  seminars, conference projects, thesis and  publications.

In addition to the main clinical specialty program aimed at achieving overall holistic skill development, the clinical research specialty stream is formulated, for select candidates, for being able to reach  an  expert level  skill set for a niche  area within the specialty.

We use cutting edge collaborative tools and Microsoft 365 Teams ecosystem to optimize the learning experience with respect to quality and time management.

We aim to train fellows to NIH proficiency level 4 (Advanced , Applied Theory ) and beyond (Expert Level), for the main / critical procedures of  each subspecialty, & introducing the range of  procedures  in a comprehensive  and  systematic manner.

Educational activities include didactic lectures, seminars and case presentations in subjects ranging across the specialty of focus and Research Methodology. Fellows could spend 1-4 days per week in the operating room, depending on the stage of the fellowship.

The need for improvements are assessed in structured  reviews and based on the feedback and evaluation processin the program, customised improvements  are introduced.

There are  ample opportunities for training other candidates and developing training resource materials giving opportunities for development of leadership & mentorship capacity along with vastly improved skills.

Each specialty in Clinical Research Fellowship programme aims to develop excellence in selected niche area of interest.

Fellows are guided through steps for (a) Performance of literature review, (b) Designing evidence-based research projects, (c) Writing research protocols and grant applications, (d) Submission of research projects to an IRB, (e) Recruitment of patients for research studies conduct of ocular testing on research patients, (f) Performance of medical chart reviews for retrospective studies, (g) Entering and analyzing study data with biostatisticians, (h) Writing and submission of manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals, (i)Submission and presentation of research results at national / international meetings, & (j) Participation in ongoing research team meetings.

The schedules are tailored to proportionately devoted to specialty surgeries  and  research related requirements.

Long Term Fellowship Programs

Anterior Segment




Pediatric Ophthalmology

Orbit and Oculoplasty

Mid Year Uptake

Each Clinical Specialty Fellowship program benefits from a high volume of OPD and surgical workflow, experienced faculty with expertise in training & mentorship.

List of Annual Fellowship Positions



Clinical Fellowship

n / Year

Research Fellowship

n / Year

Mode of Selection

Anterior Segment

24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview


24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview


24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview

Orbit - Oculoplasty

24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview

Pediatric Oph & Strabismus

24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview

Retina - Surgical

24 Months



Preliminary Online Interview & Final Onsite Interview

We are accepting applications for Long Term Fellowships. Send in your applications to below Email

Email Id :

Phone No :

+91 9959822688

Application For The Fellowship Programme

Online Application Form

Application For The Fellowship Programme

Offline Application Form

Fellowship Brochure
